Tape Hair Extensions Near Me, Dubai

Let’s admit, each one of us ladies has dream about long shiny hair flowing with the air. But not all of us get to be that lucky. With so much pollution and hectic lifestyles hurdling our way, our hair does not receive the required nourishment. 

We tend to suffer through problems such as hair fall, roughness, dryness, and dull hair. As a bonus, our hair stops growing out at a proper rate and forces us to abandon our dreams of becoming the Rapunzel. But do we have to abandon our dreams? I don’t think so. 

We present you with one of the world’s finest solutions to short hair. Tape in hair extensions is what you need to experience long locks and flaunt them out to the world. 

Easy and Beautiful

Unlike the hair extensions of its type, tape in hair extensions Dubai have several benefits.

  • They are super easy to use 
  • They get attached to your hair in one go
  • These extensions will stick to all lengths of hair and not let go. 

To know more about this awesome product, check out the below-mentioned reviews on tape in hair extensions, and learn about the various benefits they bring into your lives. 

Tape Hair Extensions Near Me - FAQs

How long do tape-in extensions last

Tape-in hair extensions are durable and maintain their quality for a long time. A regular tape in extension would last for around 4 months to 6 months. Please note, this period also depends on how well you keep them.

There are several ways to keep them detangled and preserved from pollution and heat. Follow every measure to increase their lasting period.

How much do tape in extensions cost

Tape in hair extensions cost much less than its competitors. As they are easy to use and attach to your hair, you can get them done at any nearest salon. The average price of the service could be around $600. If you want to get it done at home, without any professional help, these extensions can cost you less than $200. 

Are tape in extensions bad for your hair

Tape in extensions is one of the best hair extensions for your hair. They are easy to use and don’t require you to work on them for a long time. They are safe and keep your hair quality intact. As long as you keep brushing your hair along with these extensions, you will enjoy frizz-free long hair for a long time.

How long do tape extensions last

Provided you manage your extensions properly and do not store them entangled, your tape in extensions can last for more than 6 months. This is more than the average period for which other extensions survive. 

If you want to preserve your extensions’ shine and quality, always brush them up and store them away from excess heat, and pollution. Make sure to dry them quickly every time they get wet. 

Where can I get tape in hair extensions

Tape in hair extensions is getting very popular these days. As a result, they are available at almost every eCommerce website that sells cosmetics. You can also find these extensions at wig stores near you.

The best way to buy a tape in hair extension, apart from buying it online, is to get it from a hair parlor. 

Tape-In Hair Extension Reviews

Tape-in Hair extensions have become the talk of the fashion world. They are being used by celebs, make-up artists, designers, and even models. This new and convenient form of extensions makes your hair look more natural and silkier than ever. 

They are easy to attach or detach from your hair. Moreover, these extensions are super easy to manage and store. Make a ponytail, tie them up in a bun, or just leave them open, they look gorgeous in all states. Tape-in Hair extensions don’t lose away their quality soon and thus you get to have them for a long time.

Tape in human hair extensions

Are you bored with your short and unimpressive hair? Do you want to dazzle the world with long shiny and thick hair? Well, your miseries have come to an end as you now have the very gorgeous Tape in human hair extensions. 

Made out of real human hair, these extensions add volume and quality to your natural locks. You no longer have to wait for your hair to grow out naturally. Just fixing them up to your hair roots is going to make the magic happen. Comb it, brush it, or wash it, it’s going to stick by you and give you brand new confidence. 

Tape extensions (Pros and Cons)

As they are a highly recommended product across the nations, to provide you a better idea of Tape extensions’ features, below mention are their few pros and cons. Read below


  • They are easy to manage
  • Made out of pure human hair
  • Low chances of allergies
  • Easy to attach or detach
  • Shiny and high-quality extensions
  • Adds volume to natural hair
  • Easy to store and preserve
  • Come in several colors, such as platinum, blonde, black, etc.


  • They are expensive
  • Getting them attached salons costs higher than its competitors
  • Using products containing sulfate ruins the extensions

Tape in hair extensions 18 inch

To give you the maximum convenience and variety in options, tape in hair extensions come in various shapes and sizes. They are available in different colors and even different lengths! One of the most popular hair extension lengths is 18 inches. 

An extension of this length can provide you a good medium length of hair. After attachment, the length will go down to your back or even shorter. The length would depend on your natural hair too. 

You can do several hairstyles from this length. You can tie them up in a bun or even in a pony. Apart from this length, you also get different shades of hair. Some of the most popular shades are blonde, platinum, black and even purple.

Tape in hair extensions 24 inch

A tape in hair extension with a length of 24 inches can give you a nice long set of hair. Hair this long would go down below your waist. This length covers your entire back and gives you several options of hairstyles to try.

Depending on the length of your natural hair, you may find these extensions long. Make sure to check the final length of your hair after adding the 24 inches. Shortening the extensions is a bit of a task. For a 24 inch extension, you can try hairstyles such as a Russian braid, French pony, fishtails, or even double buns. 

Tape in hair extensions 30 inch

If you are interested in very long hair, you should order tape in hair extensions 30 inches. This length will make your hair look very long. In case you have very short natural hair, ordering this length is recommended. 

However, if you already have a good length of natural hair, adding these extensions can become a little unmanageable. It is highly recommended to check the exact length of extension required by you. 

Hairstyles such as low rolled buns, twisted crowns, waves, and braids look great on long hair. 

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